February 2022 Full Moon

Posted By Sathiavanni  
14:00 PM
February Full Moon.
We have the Snow Full Moon in the Northern Hemisphere on the 16th of Feb. On the17th, it's the Sturgeon Full Moon in the Southern Hemisphere.
During the first week of the full moon, one of my holistic practices encompasses giving gratitude and creating harmonious energies.
Reviewing all that has been achieved and lessons learnt during the previous moon cycle.
This routine has always helped me keep myself in check about where I am at with my goals, be it personal or professional.
It also helps me keep myself disciplined with my holistic routines, prayers, affirmations to help clear old energies, thoughts, and old conditionings.
Continue to become more aligned to my Divine path laid by the universe and dreams and goals I manifest through prayer.
Perhaps these routines may assist you as well.
*Home cleaned and cleansed with sage, incense and healing music.
*Fresh, clean bed linen for your bed set.
*Place fresh flowers in your bedroom, sacred space and living area.
*For a week, place all spiritual tools in the garden under the moonlight to be cleansed and charged up.
*Write down all the blessings you are grateful for and the moon goddess continuing to guide you for inner and outer transformations for your highest good.
*In your sacred space at home, or in front of your altar, or just standing within your calm space, light a tealight, with joy in your heart, give gratitude to the higher powers you believe.
You will feel elevated, and necessary shifts within take shape. You will keep transforming for your highest good in a cleaner, newer frequency that will attract more positivity in your life.
Much Love
~Sathiavanni 🕉️ 🤍 🧘🏼‍♀️ 🌿 🙏 📿 🤲🏼 🕊️